The genius psych major deleted her FB posts. For a good laugh I cut & pasted them below.
She reminds me of Laurence Vance's axiom, "If [govt proponents] could spell correctly, use punctuation, and write worth a darn then maybe we would take them a little more seriously." Honestly, I feel sorry for her.
Forwarded conversation
Subject: Helga B. commented on Daniel W. Livingston's status.
From: Facebook
Date: Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 7:43 PM
Helga wrote: "David-you are the prototype of someone who is headed for danger. The anxiety/depression sufferer who juggles numbers all day; stuck in a monotonous life so he fills it with grandiose imaginings. nothin incoherent about my post, even if it was filled with errors, the message is quite clear to you I'm sure. you need a good therapist. STAT. I have a degree in Psychology and 10+ yrs working with ppl of all abilities and limitations. your kind, the most dangerous because their is an imflated ego that is tough to get past. I hope you do. Peace be with you."
From: Facebook
Date: Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 7:47 PM
Helga wrote: "I killing at a time would not be as big a news, but if it were to this scale with non-politicians...YES IT WOULD BE...the college capmus shooting did not involve politicans and they were covered just as much. when large numbers of ppl are involved in things,they make the news ....even the miners being resuced did...and it wasn't even in the US. I watched every one of them lifted up. Anyhow need help. your thinking way way out; don't hold yourself in higher esteem because of it. you know darn well gov is you'd call the cops (gov funded and run) if you needed know your fantasy anarchy world can not exist. get yourself straightened out."
From: Facebook
Date: Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 7:54 PM
Helga wrote: "so funny...a guy who makes his living processing papers to be turned into the gov (taxes)...with anti-gov rhetoric. how ironic."
From: Facebook
Date: Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 8:02 PM
Helga wrote: ""govt is legalized violence" yes, police may shoot back if threatened...everything else about gov is aimed at stopping violence. Domestic violence laws; elder abuse laws; Adult Protective Services. I am anti-war because I beleive in this day and age there are other ways to deal (stop trading with enemies; stop buying their products) with enemies that sending our young to die...aside from war....I do not see how gov is legalized violence. you are way out there David and it is that kind of BS that makes someone who is probably intelligent a waste...A MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE. Put your efforts to good use if you claim to be a Christian. There are laws upheld throughout the bible. Why be another loose cannon in society?"
From: Facebook
Date: Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 8:03 PM
Helga wrote: "what a crock of sht"
From: Facebook
Date: Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 8:10 PM
Helga wrote: "read Walden Two David...or perhaps you have already...and then close the book and be doen with the fantasy, because such a place will never exist. it did not in biblical times, it will never. Gov regulates everything; if a doctor ever saves you life or that of a loved one, thabk your gov because it set standards for that doctor to get his license...stop with the mindless anarchy crap. put effort into good governing rather than the idea of no governing. or are you going to just handle the entire country for everyone (good grief)"
From: Facebook
Date: Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 9:02 PM
Helga wrote: "The media covered the college campus shootings and no gov employees were harmed there. The media covers things when they are on such a grand scale. The anti-gov stance is BS. Gov is not legalized violence; it sets domestic violence laws; elder abuse laws; police may only use force as a last resort; it serves and protects. Don't be a nutbag; a mind is a terrible thing to waste. What a waste of Walden Two (a governmentless utopia) I studied it extensively when I studied Social Psychology (my BA is in Psych), infact I kept the book bcs I enjoyed it and still have the A paper I wrote on it....but then close the book David; close the book on the fantasy because such a place has never existed and never will."
From: Facebook
Date: Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 9:44 PM
Helga wrote: "I'm not a psychologist; I work with adults with disabilites and have for over ten yrs. I deleted those post, but am glad you read them. Why delete them? bcs it saddens me that ppl like you exist and I have realized it is near impossible to get through to your type. Your issues are clear and I certainly hope you get help for them...such an incredbile waste of a mind. The number cruncher type like you often see thing in balck and white and can't see shades of grey. The best thing for you would probably to volunteer in some sort of social service organization funded by the gov so you can see the other side of the coin. I have no need to defend myself to you and ...if you know psychologists, I wish you would have opened yourself to their services....very inflated ego for you to suggest psychs are "messed up" what capacity have you encountered them? Or are you just trying to insult me...I dedicate my life to the wellbeing of ppl with disabilites David. I'm muber cruncher can penetrate that on some fb posts. Get help. It is obvious you suffer w anxiety and depression issues, but your success wil be didcated by your willingness to be trreated; highly unlikely from what I can tell."
From: Facebook
Date: Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 9:47 PM
Helga wrote: ""muber cruncher"....hahaha yeah, I type very fast so typos abound.. I'm sure it's legible though. Ppl anti-authority are the most dangerous type in any and all societies."
From: Facebook
Date: Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 10:03 PM
Helga wrote: ""Proving once again that govt work attracts the best and brightest of society is this Facebook post. Internet forums, especially one like Facebook, aren't the best media for in-depth rational discourse, but still." SO THIS IS WHAT YOU DO HUH DAVID...YOU TAKE PPLS comments out of context on fb and post them to your anarchy blog page? I'm not a gov employee you a**..I work for a nonprofit that helps ppl who are living with severe limitations. You think you have me pegged somehow huh? You are a disgrace to America."
From: Facebook
Date: Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 10:09 PM
Helga wrote: "You certainly are a " Slippery Pencil" alright David. If you want to post something post a link to this entire ppl can read YOUR how you posted "The shooting of a few govt employees is far from a national tragedy, it's blowback.""
Hey genius, I did post a link to the entire dialog. However, since you deleted your 11 idiotic posts, it's not really the entire dialog you desire.